Types of Mechanical Seal

How Long Will A Mechanical Seal Last ?

Seal life is determined by a wide variety of factors, many of which are independent of the actual seal design. Installation issues, improper pump operation, and an not enough seal support system are just a few. During the selection of mechanical seal and its components very close attention must be needed to given including faces , o-rings and metallurgy to make sure its maximum life. Its also a very difficult to suitable select the seal type for each different application So that the installation procedure accurately followed The two most common seal care failure can occurs due to an heat generation and improper installation.Both of which has a multiple potential to causes root.

Proper Installation Can Extend Mechanical seal life

Improper installation of mechanical seal can also is the major cause of failure. Installation can be performed by following the steps given by the manufacture and with great care to avoid the damage the of delicate seal faces/o-rings.If you forgetting to tighten the set screws before removing setting clips, not tightening gland bolts evenly, damaging O-rings, nicking seal faces, and piping connection errors are some of the common installation mistakes made when installing a seal.

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